How it works?
How it works?
Sarrita King | Lightning ©2013
General pages (no account required)
Account types
Click on tab button to view your related account guide
What’s needed before purchasing a license?
1.Ensure to have buyer account with us
2.Familiarise yourself with our business plans offered.
Video Tutorials:
- Register as new customer
- Login/Logout customer account
- Browse and purchase license on artwork(s)
Part 1: from all products viewPart 2: from all artists view
Retrieve/access purchased licensed artwork
What’s needed when publishing an artwork?
1. Inside popup ensure to input: title, select a category, upload feature image and downloadable image (2 images in total with 2 different naming convention).
– feature image naming such as ‘<imagename>_featured.jpg’ and upload another image as downloadable product naming something like ‘<imagename>.jpg’.
– if there are more than 1 business plans that are applicable for this image then for price input as one of the plan’s prices. Then admin will be able to attach prices of different plan for you.
2. After click ‘Create product’ then you will be presented with ‘Edit Product’ page. Input all the required fields. Then click ‘Save Product’ to save changes.
– Ensure to tick on ‘Downloadable’ and ‘Virtual’
– Ensure to add business plan which you wish to link this image to under description such as ‘all plan’
– For ‘Downloadable Option’ section, ensure to select the original file which is not the feature/cover image. This file must be the image link which doesn’t have watermark on it.
– Ensure ‘Download limit’ is empty or -1, these will set it to be unlimited
– ‘Download expiry’ is recommended to be 365 (days)
Video Tutorials:
- Register new artist
- Login/Logout artist account
- Enlist/upload artwork(s) for license
- Withdraw your earning